Thursday, July 29, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
श्वेता मेरी जीवन संगिनी

श्वेता एक ऐसा नाम जिसे मैंने कभी नहीं सोचा था की ये नाम मेरी लाइफ मे इतना बड़ा महत्व रखेगा| पर भगवान् की माया देखिये की आज यही नाम मेरे से इतना जुड़ गया है की जिससे मै अब इतना जुड़ गया हु की अब इस नाम के बगैर मै रहने की भी नहीं सच सकता| और फिर भगवान् की माया देखिये की जिस शब्द से मेरा नाम समाप्त होता है उसी शब्द से इस श्वेता नाम की शुरुआत होती है| तब तो मै इससे अपने से अलग कर ही नहीं सकता| अगर अलग किया तो मेरा नाम ही ख़तम हो जायेगा| श्वेता और कोई नहीं बल्कि मेरी होने वाली जीवन संगिनी है| और जब से मैंने श्वेता के बारे मे जाना और समझा तब से मे भगवान् का बहूत ही धन्यवाद करता हु की भगवान् ने मुझे श्वेता को दिया| मुझे श्वेता से अच्छी जीवन संगिनी कभी नहीं मिल सकती थी| बचपन से जैसा मै सोचता था की मेरी जीवन संगिनी ऐसी हो श्वेता बिलकूल वैसी ही है| श्वेता को अब तक मैंने ढंग से देखा भी नहीं है परन्तु पर ऐसा लगता है जैसे की मै उससे पता नहीं कितने दिनों से जानता हु| उससे बात करते हुये मुझे कभी महसूस नहीं हुआ की मै किसी अंजान लड़की से बात कर रहा हु| और उसने मुझे इतनी जल्दी समझा शायद और कोई लड़की मुझे इतनी जल्दी नहीं समझती| अपने घर मे वो सबसे छोटी है और उसके बावजूद वो इतनी समजदार है की मै कुछ और शब्द नहीं लिख सकता उसके लिये| मै श्वेता के लिए भगवान् का शत शत नमन करता हु| श्वेता मे मैंने वो सारे गुण देखे है जिससे की वो एक बहूत अच्ही बहू, बीवी, भाभी और बेटी बन कर हमारे घर मे रहेगी | श्वेता क्या मै शायद किसी लड़की से बात नहीं कर सकता था पर श्वेता ने ही मुझे खुद से बात करने मे बहूत मदद करी| शायद श्वेता की जगह और कोई लड़की होती तो सोचती की अन्वेश बहूत ही घमंडी लड़का है जो की घमंड के कारन मुझसे बात नहीं कर रहा है| परन्तु श्वेता ने मुझे एक दोस्त की तरह महसूस कराया की हमारा रिश्ता एक दोस्त से भी बढ़ कर है| जिसके लिये मै भगवान् का बहूत दिल से धन्यवाद देता हु| अब मै उससे बगैर बात किये नहीं रह सकता| जब भी उसका फोने नहीं आता है तो लगता है की मेरी जिंदगी से कोई चला गया है| श्वेता ने ही मुझे पहली बार प्यार करना सिखाया| नहीं तो मै प्यार करना भी नहीं जनता था| मै जब भी अपने दोस्तों को देखता था अपनी गैर्ल्फ्रेंड्स के साथ तो मुझे महसूस होता था की मै तो अपनी जीवन संगिनी से भी बात नहीं कर पाउँगा| पर श्वेता ने मुझे ये भिओ सिखाया| और आज मै इतना खुश हु की मै जिस नाम को (श्वेता) कभी नहीं सोचा था आज वही नाम मेरे जीवन मै सबसे बढ़ा बदलाव लाया है| उसने मुझे प्यार का मतलब सिखाया है| जिसके बिना अब मेरा जीवन भी नीरस है| मुझे उसका रूठना फिर उसे एक छोटी बचि की तरह मानना बहूत ही अछा लगता है| अब मै श्वेता के बगैर रह भी नहीं सकता| रात मे जब तक उससे एक बार बात ना कर लू तो लगता ही नहीं है की मेरा दिन समाप्त हो गया है| और फिर उससे बात करने के बाद जब मै सोता हु तो सिर्फ सुबह उसकी SMS की घंटी से ही उठता हु | जब तक उसका SMS नहीं अता तो लगता है की अभी सुबह ही नहीं हुई है| जीवन का ये सूख मुझे श्वेता की वजह से ही मुझे मिला है| कभी कभी मै ये सोचता हु की अगर मेरे जीवन मे श्वेता नहीं आती तो मे पता नहीं मुझे ये सब सूख मिलता की नहीं| ये तो भगवान् ही जानते है| श्वेता मै तुम्हारा जीवन भर आभारी रहूँगा मेरे जीवन मे आने की लिये| सबसे बड़ी बात मैंने और श्वेता ने अभी तक एक दुसरे को ढंग से देखा भर भी नहीं है पर हम जिस तरीके से फोने पर बात करतें है तो लगता ही नहीं है की हमने एक दुसरे को अभी तक देखा ही नहीं है और पर ऐसा लगता है की पता नहीं हम एक दुसरे को कितने दिनों से जानते है| सच ही कहा है किसी ने की भगवान् ने सारी जोडियाँ पहले से ही बना के रखि है नहीं तो मुझे श्वेता कभी नहीं मिलती| श्वेता मै तुम्हारा जिंदिगी भर इस चीज के लियी आभारी रहूंगा| और भगवान् को मै शत शत नमन करता हु मेरे जीवन मै श्वेता को लाने के लिये| और हां आखरी एक बात और बताना चाहता हु मै की मै जनता हु की श्वेता मेरे जीवन मै मेरे बाप दादा के अछे कर्मों की वजह से है नाकि मेरे कर्म की वजह से, इस चीज के लिये भी मै अपने बाप दादा और अपने पूरवजो का जीवन भर आभारी रहूँगा|
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
How Life Changed
Age 0 – 2 years
I look at my mom with naive eyes. She looks so young. I can see my father going somewhere in the morning. I walk for a while and when I feel tired my mom lift me and give me hug. World looks simple and full of love. I never feel that something like hatred or jealous exist. I am honest to everyone. My eyes have a glow and innocence and I feel because of this everyone loves me. I can see my elder brother reading but I don’t know why my mom never asks me to study. I am surprised how my mom knows that I am hungry and she put milk bottle in my mouth. I happily drink milk and sleep. I am surprised why my father looks so enervated when he comes back home. Even I play the whole day and still I am not tired.
Age of 2- 5 years
Now I can call every one by name and I drink milk by glass. I am going to school where there is a new lady who teaches me and there are so many children who look like me. Why I feel my mom doesn’t love me the way she use to earlier otherwise she wouldn’t have left me here to take care by this lady and she would be taking care by herself like earlier times. I don’t like getting up early in the morning and that I have to wear some white color dress. But I like the way my mom waits for me outside school and by holding her hand I walk back home. But I don’t like, now when I get tired after walking a little she doesn’t lift me. I think I have grown heavy. I am surprised what she does at home all alone without me . My father still goes somewhere outside and there is no change in him.
Age of 5 – 12 years
Now my mom always points me to work and I have to do a lot of studies. Home work and studies keep me engrossed . I come late from the school and spent some time discussing school . My mom doesn’t spent too much time with me in completing my home work. I have to dress up myself in the morning and I eat myself. My father still go outside which they call as office and there is a little change in him and he sometimes discuss about my studies. During exam he teaches me and few days back even he got a good book for me to read. I love eating ice cream while on the way back home. I always wait when my friends will come in the evening and we will go out to play. I feel bored why my father keeps watching news channel. I remain in my room at night and I don’t sleep besides my mom.
Age of 12-17 years
I don’t have time to think anything except my studies. School and work keep me busy so much that my eyes look dull. I don’t find much time to sleep even. When I am too tensed I go and sit next to my mom. She consoles me and I feel as everything is so fine. I get courage to work further. I spent more time with my dad discussing about study plans and he use to continuously give me feedback. I spent whole night studying in my room. I listen to music and I spent more time with friends discussing books. Sometimes I have to live alone at home to take responsibilities on my own.
Age of 17- 22 years
One fine day I left home. My mom cried and dad too. I just consoled them saying I will be fine though I was also crying from inside. I have understood that I have to be my own. Now I talk to my mom only over phone some times between the classes. She keeps worrying whether I am fine and I just lie to her that I am good even when I am in worst situation. I cant go and sit next to her and I have almost nobody to love me and everyone is like a voice for me. If I die I hope that they will transfer my body to my home but I fear to die coz I want to see their faces before I die. That will be my last wish. There are few girls around with whom I feel sometimes distracted and feel that I am in love with them but nobody loves me and understand me. I understood that something called as hatred and cynic exist and everybody is not so altruistic.
Age of 22 years- till present.
One fine day I left the country. I am consoling myself that I am patriotic and I will be back to the country and this is transient period I have to face life. I said bye to my parents. They again cried. I again consoled them. Now I am in a new country where I don’t know anyone. People look different and speak different language. I understood that life is not confined to home or city or country and it exist beyond my cognizance. Now I don’t speak to my mom also over phone. I cant sit next to her when I am tensed. Nobody asks me whether I had food or not. and even when I am tired nobody lifts me and hugs me. I don’t have anyone to discuss my study plans. I just keep on talking to myself virtually as nobody is near me and life looks grave to me. I don’t know if I will die here they will repatriate my body back to country though I have insurance. I fear to die. I don’t want to die in another country.
I look at my mom with naive eyes. She looks so young. I can see my father going somewhere in the morning. I walk for a while and when I feel tired my mom lift me and give me hug. World looks simple and full of love. I never feel that something like hatred or jealous exist. I am honest to everyone. My eyes have a glow and innocence and I feel because of this everyone loves me. I can see my elder brother reading but I don’t know why my mom never asks me to study. I am surprised how my mom knows that I am hungry and she put milk bottle in my mouth. I happily drink milk and sleep. I am surprised why my father looks so enervated when he comes back home. Even I play the whole day and still I am not tired.
Age of 2- 5 years
Now I can call every one by name and I drink milk by glass. I am going to school where there is a new lady who teaches me and there are so many children who look like me. Why I feel my mom doesn’t love me the way she use to earlier otherwise she wouldn’t have left me here to take care by this lady and she would be taking care by herself like earlier times. I don’t like getting up early in the morning and that I have to wear some white color dress. But I like the way my mom waits for me outside school and by holding her hand I walk back home. But I don’t like, now when I get tired after walking a little she doesn’t lift me. I think I have grown heavy. I am surprised what she does at home all alone without me . My father still goes somewhere outside and there is no change in him.
Age of 5 – 12 years
Now my mom always points me to work and I have to do a lot of studies. Home work and studies keep me engrossed . I come late from the school and spent some time discussing school . My mom doesn’t spent too much time with me in completing my home work. I have to dress up myself in the morning and I eat myself. My father still go outside which they call as office and there is a little change in him and he sometimes discuss about my studies. During exam he teaches me and few days back even he got a good book for me to read. I love eating ice cream while on the way back home. I always wait when my friends will come in the evening and we will go out to play. I feel bored why my father keeps watching news channel. I remain in my room at night and I don’t sleep besides my mom.
Age of 12-17 years
I don’t have time to think anything except my studies. School and work keep me busy so much that my eyes look dull. I don’t find much time to sleep even. When I am too tensed I go and sit next to my mom. She consoles me and I feel as everything is so fine. I get courage to work further. I spent more time with my dad discussing about study plans and he use to continuously give me feedback. I spent whole night studying in my room. I listen to music and I spent more time with friends discussing books. Sometimes I have to live alone at home to take responsibilities on my own.
Age of 17- 22 years
One fine day I left home. My mom cried and dad too. I just consoled them saying I will be fine though I was also crying from inside. I have understood that I have to be my own. Now I talk to my mom only over phone some times between the classes. She keeps worrying whether I am fine and I just lie to her that I am good even when I am in worst situation. I cant go and sit next to her and I have almost nobody to love me and everyone is like a voice for me. If I die I hope that they will transfer my body to my home but I fear to die coz I want to see their faces before I die. That will be my last wish. There are few girls around with whom I feel sometimes distracted and feel that I am in love with them but nobody loves me and understand me. I understood that something called as hatred and cynic exist and everybody is not so altruistic.
Age of 22 years- till present.
One fine day I left the country. I am consoling myself that I am patriotic and I will be back to the country and this is transient period I have to face life. I said bye to my parents. They again cried. I again consoled them. Now I am in a new country where I don’t know anyone. People look different and speak different language. I understood that life is not confined to home or city or country and it exist beyond my cognizance. Now I don’t speak to my mom also over phone. I cant sit next to her when I am tensed. Nobody asks me whether I had food or not. and even when I am tired nobody lifts me and hugs me. I don’t have anyone to discuss my study plans. I just keep on talking to myself virtually as nobody is near me and life looks grave to me. I don’t know if I will die here they will repatriate my body back to country though I have insurance. I fear to die. I don’t want to die in another country.
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